IVT Enzymes

T7 RNA Polymerase

T7 RNA Polymerase

  • T7 RNA polymerase is a 99kDa DNA dependent RNA polymerase which initiates RNA synthesis after encountering a T7 phage promoter sequence on the DNA template. This enzyme is essential for in-vitro transcription of a template DNA and hence, is indispensable for the manufacture of mRNA therapeutics and vaccines. At Loka Biosciences, we offer high quality T7 RNA polymerase suitable for all research/pre-clinical/clinical applications.

    Advantages for choosing Loka’s T7 RNA Polymerase:

     Manufactured under GMP rules and regulations

     Completely animal origin free manufacturing process

     Free of Endotoxins and antibiotics

     Supplied with adequate documentation validating the quality


    T7 RNA Polymerase transcribes RNA using a DNA/plasmid template carrying the T7 promoter sequence efficiently incorporating ribonucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) into mRNA transcripts.

    T7 RNA polymerase is routinely used for research and clinical applications such as:

     Preparation of radio labeled RNA probes

     Non-isotopic RNA labeling

     Manufacture of mRNA based vaccines

     Manufacture of mRNA based therapeutics

     Preparation of guide RNA for gene targeting

     mRNA for micro injection and in-vitro translation

     RNA structure, processing and catalysis studies

     RNA amplification

     Anti-sense RNA for gene expression experiment

RNAse Inhibitor

  • RNAse Inhibitor from LOKA

    RNase Inhibitor, Murine is a 50 kDa recombinant protein of murine origin. The inhibitor specifically inhibits RNases A, B and C. It inhibits RNases by binding noncovalently in a 1:1 ratio with high affinity.

    In addition RNase Inhibitor is being usedused with Taq DNA Polymerase, AMV or M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptases, or Phage RNA Polymerases (SP6, T7, or T3).

    Rnase Inhibiotor Isolated from E.coli carrying a plasmid which contains the Rnase Inhibiotor gene. 

DNAse (RNAse Free)

  • DNAse (RNAse Free) From LOKA

    DNase I, (RNase-free) is an endonuclease that non-specifically cleaves DNA to release di-, tri- and oligonucleotide products with 5´-phosphorylated and 3´-hydroxylated ends. DNase I acts on single- and double-stranded DNA, chromatin and RNA:DNA hybrids.

    DNAse I Isolated from E.coli carrying a plasmid which contains the Dnase I gene. 

    It is used in the DNA removal from IVT mRNA preparations, Recombinant therapeutics and Vaccines bulk preparations

Inorganic Pyrophophatase (RNAse Free)

  • Yeast Inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophos¬phate to form orthophosphate.

    Source: PPase is prepared from an E. coli strain containing a clone of the yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase gene.


    • Increasing RNA yield in In Vitro transcription reaction

    • Enhancing DNA replication.