Our Platform

Protein Production

At LOKA, we manufacture protein based biosimilars and biotherapeutics as well as enzymes that are used for varied clinical applications as well as molecular biology research respectively. Developed using an indigenously created E.coli platform, our cGMP E.coli fermentation capacity enables us to manufacture clinical grade quality proteins and enzymes at a commercial scale.

Plasmid DNA manufacturing

We manufacture affordable, high quality plasmid DNA for a wide range of research, preclinical, clinical and diagnostic applications. From early research to commercial supply, our GMP fermentation capacity enables us to ensure a complete spectrum of plasmid DNA services.

mRNA manufacturing

Our linear mRNA and self amplifying mRNA, both manufactured using IVT technology, play a key role in vaccine development and therapeutics and are manufactured to client specifications. We also offer IVT enzymes for customers with in house mRNA synthesis requirements.